Your Guide to Six Sigma Belts
The Six Sigma methodology evolved as a result of the ever-present need for product quality and pr
The Six Sigma methodology evolved as a result of the ever-present need for product quality and pr
To promote their mission, the SWE provides events such as the Girls Engineering Exploration event, March 4, 2017 at Detroit's Michigan Science Center. More than 120 girls in grades 4-6, attended the event.
Companies today face increasing demands to do more with less, but they must figure out a way to automate their processes in conjunction with professionals who have operations management expertise. Recognizing that leveraging selective automation, in conjunction with utilizing the skills and expertise of a human workforce, is an incredibly effective way of harnessing digital and human capabilities.
Kettering University goes beyond educating the next generation of engineers. It is raising the standards for the engineering industry through ventures such as the Kettering University GM Mobility Research Center, a new mobility and vehicle systems development proving ground that puts the University at the forefront of autonomous vehicle research, development, safety and technology.
Dr. Reeve comes to Kettering with years of experience in post-secondary and graduate education including faculty positions as a Professor of Chemistry at Arkansas State University.
The year was 1919; Woodrow Wilson was President, Prohibition went into effect, and the doors of a small night school in Flint, Michigan, opened wide.
A 2016 report by The Society for Human Resource Management found that companies face significant challenges finding the right people for the right jobs. However, hiring managers for industries employing engineers are solving that problem by recruiting military veterans with degrees. Veterans have the rare but effective combination of technical expertise and soft skills, making them well-rounded employees.