Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Juan Diego Gomez, Contributing Instructor at Kettering University

Juan Diego Gomez
Juan Diego Gomez
Juan Diego Gomez

Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Juan Diego Gomez, Contributing Instructor at Kettering University

Written by: Jennifer Levy, KUO Program Development Manager and Senior Instructional Designer

As Kettering University Online’s (KUO) Program Development Manager and Senior Instructional Designer, I have the pleasure of working with our Contributing Faculty members, many of whom are subject matter experts for the courses they teach. Coming from a wide range of educational, career, and geographical backgrounds, KUO faculty unite in the effort to link transformative experiential education to rigorous academic standards, with real-world applications for learning that lasts a lifetime.

This time, we are happy to shine the Faculty Spotlight on Dr. Juan Diego Gomez, Contributing Instructor at Kettering University. Dr. Gomez teaches in our MS in Engineering: Electrical & Computer Engineering-Advanced Mobility program.

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Following are excerpts from our conversation:

JL: Thanks so much for making the time to chat. I know how busy you must be.

RS: Yes, very busy! Of course.

JL: The first question I typically ask is where did you grow up?

JG: I grew up in a small town called Neira, right at the heart of Colombia, South America.

JL: Which degrees do you have and from where?

JG: I have a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Geneva. An M.S. in Computer Vision & Artificial Intelligence, from the University of Barcelona, and a B.S., in Computer Science & Systems Engineering, from University Tech in Colombia.

JL: Can you tell us a bit about your work?

JG: Of course, I did my postdoc at the Brain & Mind Institute – EPFL in Switzerland, and was a collaborator in Giulio Tononi´s Lab at the University of Madison. I also developed a noninvasive neuroprosthetic for the blind for my Ph.D. These experiences allowed me to successfully combine my passion for the brain with my background as an engineer. Accordingly, my main area of interest is called computational neuroscience, a field that merges Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Robotics, among others. Understanding algorithms that mimic the workings of the brain is the first step towards understanding the brain. I like to teach the former to promote an interest for the latter, and to influence the future scientists who will reveal the mysteries of our nervous systems from an engineering perspective.

JL: You are teaching courses in Kettering University Online’s MS Engineering: ECE-Advanced Mobility program. Which courses do you teach and can you talk a bit about what you see as the value of the program?

JG: I teach Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Driving, Machine Drives for Electric Vehicles, and Mobile Robotics. One of the values of this program is that it is aligned with both mainstream and cutting-edge technologies. This allows students to dive into current developments as well as to take a step out to the foremost frontier of computer science.

JL: How do you think completing this program will benefit students in their engineering careers?

JG: They will become more skillful in the most important technology trends. Also, they will gain an understanding of where technology is heading so they can anticipate it, and/or be active part of its growth.

JL: What are some of your favorite aspects of this program?

JG: The opportunity to share opinions and thoughts through the many online tools that connect students and professors.

JL: What would you say about the program’s structure?

JG The program structure has been carefully designed to meet the needs of the students for knowledge and intellectual growth. Likewise, every course is connected and relevant to the final goal of the program. The sequence of knowledge acquisition has been structured so that the course content makes sense.

JL: I would like to shift gears for a minute and ask you one of my favorite questions – which is what is the best advice a professor ever gave you?

JG: The best advice I ever received from a professor was to understand first, the simplest case. Every time I am learning a new topic, or thinking about how to solve a problem, I make use of the easiest case scenario as a building block to tackle the more complex instances.

JL: Finally, what are some of the fun things do you like to do in your spare time?

JG: Probably not fun at all for many, but I do practice CrossFit in the mornings and meditate every single night.

JL: Thank you again for taking time out of your busy schedule to chat with me.

JG: My pleasure.

KUO honors and appreciates Dr. Gomez for his contributions and highly regarded work with students.

Welcome to Your Career in Advanced Mobility!

Kettering University Online’s MS Engineering: Electrical & Computer Engineering-Advanced Mobility is a groundbreaking program. This program, the first of its kind, is designed to prepare engineers to address the industry’s demand for professionals eager to work on projects in this new technological landscape.

If you are an engineer interested in electric vehicles, autonomous vehicles, mobile robotics, and artificial intelligence and in playing a leading role in re-shaping the automotive and/or robotics industry, enrolling in this program is your logical next step.

The comprehensive curriculum of this groundbreaking degree includes courses such as:

  • Modeling of Dynamic Systems
  • Digital Signal Processing for Automotive Engineering
  • Mobile Robotics
  • Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Driving
  • Automotive Control Systems
  • Machine Drives for Electric Vehicles
  • Advance Power Electronics

While in this program, students build on their existing STEM education by modeling and examining the dynamic systems that make autonomous vehicles and mobile robotics possible. Upon completion of the program, graduates will be well-positioned to lead the teams charged with improving various dynamic mobility systems that are likely to solve a range of societal challenges and provide an untold number of conveniences.

This new industry also offers myriad opportunities for skilled and highly qualified engineers. In addition to innovating the technologies of the vehicles themselves, more work must be done to create the future transportation infrastructure to support them. Just consider how important it will be to implement new and improved roads with better traffic controls.

This degree, offered by Kettering University Online, is the only program custom-designed to enable engineers to build on their expertise by focusing on the creation, testing, and integration of the dynamic systems that control mobility. By offering the definitive education for advanced mobility, Kettering University Online continues its proud tradition of working with partners in the automotive industry as well as combining experiential and applied learning to empower students to change the direction of their careers as well as the everyday experiences of everyone else!

If you are interested in becoming a student, visit Kettering University Online and connect with an Admissions Advisor for information about our graduate degree programs.

By connecting with an Admissions Advisor, you can expect to:

  • Receive in-depth knowledge on the program and the admissions process.
  • Benefit from having a 1-on-1 conversation to ensure the program fits your academic and professional goals.
  • Learn more on how you could earn 2 degrees in 2 years.
  • Receive a recommendation about which of our certificates aligns with your graduate degree and why.
  • Be advised and assisted with putting together a strong file for the Admissions Committee to review.

If you are interested in corporate, professional and/or continuing education opportunities through Kettering Global X, please consult our catalog at https://globalx.kettering.edu/pages/course-catalog-print

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